Demond Sanders: You took the words right out of my mouth. Best game ever. Best play ever. Eli is MVP. Brilliant. David Tyree. Best play ever. Has there ever been a bigger momentum swing. A moment ago we were looking at non-stop Patriots talk for the next three decades. Now we're talking about back to back Manning SB MVPs. I LOVE IT. Check out this awesome blog post at the Boston Globe. The Yankees comparison is all too true.
By the way, I read a really good book tonight:
jc and L.V., when you gals sober up, bite me. Enjoy your imperceptible slice of history with the 16-0 season. Oh and that big fat run up the score (and run your mouth) point margin you enjoyed all year? Hope it keeps you warmer than your BRady blow-up dolls this long, cold New England winter.
As for me; Seattle's been dumped with snow this week so I'm taking off work to go skiing. Ciao.
I hope the Patriots have a tape of that game.
I'm so happy right now....
If the trend continues, enjoy missing the playoffs next year, Pats fans.
16-0 is now a punchline!
JV wins the night. Brilliant.
18-1 means nothing! Best.Team.Never. It will be loooooong off-season in Boston. This could be one of the greatest failures ever in sports.
Wait for it, wait for it...
Oh my God, it tastes so sweet. It's like honey on my fingertips. I wish I could go out, find a Pats fan, and bottle their tears. There can't be anything sweeter than that. A single drop should be enough to replace a thousand bags of sugar.
gotta love the pats fans, all along talking about how manning choked by not putting up big time points in the AFCG against the pats in 2004 in their record setting year and their own great brady does the exact same in their record setting game. Mr. clutch comes through 5.5 yards per attempt avg. He is clearly the greatest of all time.
What's so great about this loss, is that it actually feels like they lost TWO Super Bowl's tonight - this one and the 2002 championship they will hopefully be stripped of.
i love this moment so much that i want to have sex with it and have little baby moments.
where are all those pats' fans now? hello? not willing to come out of your caves?
I'm way too happy to even be disturbed by that last poster.
haha no reason to be disturbed. i'm just way too happy. patriots loss is the best birthday present ever.
On Fox radio I think it was Lincoln Kennedy and a couple of other players who concluded that the Patriots were tired from all those games running up the score in the 4th Q.
Waiting for all of the front running Pats fans to show up.
chirp, chirp
Guess not. Take care of yourself jc, have someone else drive you home tonight.
Q: how do you say failure using only two numbers?
A: 18-1
i think my interest in the league is also up a bit this season, 10% might be stretching it especially with the colts coming up short but was a great season after all non the less
Hey, remember, little baby moments grow up to be big baby moments and have moment medical emergencies and moment school and orthodontia to pay for.... you can enjoy this moment safely. If you drink enough (and you're male) you won't have to worry too much about it.
You know, my intense joy is well past. The Pats are nothing to me and the Colts are everything (football-wise). I am glad they lost mainly because they have some insufferable fans, the media have been pimping them for ages, and I like the poetry of a Manning taking them down. (I understand they can't win the big one, you know....)
I don't often think WWTD (though he sure wouldn't yell at my kids like I do, so I sometimes reflect on that in a moment of frustration), but I suspect tomorrow Tony Dungy will not be dancing in the streets. Instead he'll go to the office and work on 2008.
And that's what I am focused on now. Mostly. Except that 90% of my NJ-born family is Giants fans, so I have to celebrate for them. Really, it's the only reason. I mean it now, stop laughing. Hey, you snorting milk out your nose, stop laughing. I don't personally know any insufferable Pats fans, or I might be a little meaner.
When does Bill Simmons's column come out on I tingle with anticipation. 2nd time ever.
shake n bake... very nice. A bit harsh, but very nice.
BTW, did we all see how easy it is to QB a team when you are having "protection problems?" The choker....
Hey, 18-1 is still an impressive accomplishment.
If you're the 1985 Bears, that is.
Good point, Andy. Hey, who did the '85 Bears beat in that superbowl, when they got the job done? I guess this is one more 18-1 season that ended horribly for the Patriots, huh?
coltsfanawalt, that is a great line. I plan to steal it. Who knew 1985 and 2008 had so much in common?!?!
The main differences for me: 1985--drunk, single college student watching with pals and rooting for the steep underdog Pats. Then get drunker to forget it all.
2008: Sober father of 3 boys watching with them, taping the game for a friend in Norway, pointing out little keys to plays while rooting for steep underdog Giants. Then stay up a few hours working so 9.a.m. mtg Monday morning does not kill productivity. D'oh!
Tomorrow I convert the tape to DVD so my friend can actually watch it and get to relive the glory all over again.
I just attempted to eat a Double Stuf Oreo using the official rules for a double stuf lick race printed on the package.
It's not as easy as the Mannings make it look. I have newfound respect for the DSRL.
All I can do is smile. :) And run. I did eat a lot of Oreos...
Bob M., the main differences for me. In 1985, I was in junior high in MI, not caring for NE but hoping someone would knock the shuffle out of CHI. 2008, and my oldest of three is my 9 year old son who shares my passion for the Colts and my disdain for the Patriots. Our school takes the Monday following the Super Bowl off each year (a holiday of sorts to us), and it's a good thing. We stayed up way too late the past two superbowls enjoying the post-game festivities and interviews.
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